Sysadminotaur is a series of family-friendly workplace-sitcom comic strips. It was created in 2012 by Devolutions Inc and Patrick Désilets, as a newspaper-style comics for the Devolutions forums. It's now fully part of Devolutions entity and its products.

No146. Bold Move

Meet the good people from the chronically underfunded, dangerously overstretched, and universally disregarded IT department at Industry Industries. A group of delightfully archetypal IT folks, earnestly drudging through their endearingly paradigmatic daily workplace misery… with a smile!!! The breadth of their work and skills is absolutely heroic -some would even say cartoonishly unrealistic- for such a small, unanimously ignored team. But that's also actually pretty delightfully archetypal in IT.

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To celebrate the first 100 comic strips, we created a unique Sysadminotaur Hard Cover book! See how Maurice and his team evolved in his world and how the cartoon drawing itself has evolved in style. For the hard copies, we give them as a thank you gift to our dear and loyal customers. Be part of the community too! Visit us at

Watch the first Sysadminotaur animated short . To learn more about the making of, read the interview we had with the creator, Patrick Desilets!

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Hello! I'm Patrick, Devolutions' friendly neighborhood cartoonist. I draw the Sysadminotaur comics, and all the related artwork and illustrations. I'm an animator by trade, with a heavy penchant for old school exaggerated cartoony characters. So, while I dig the techy stuff and work with techy people, I'm technically not an IT person myself. I'm an imposter, if you will. But all of this (I hope!) converges into an interesting take on the world of IT that will appeal to the savvy IT pros out there, as well as, of course, my fellow imposters.